
I consider myself a shaman. Shamanic practices date back over 300 years. All cultures have shamans in them. The term Shamanism comes from the Tungus tribe of Siberia. The term shamanism comes from the Manchu-Tungus word saman. Although Shamans’ repertories vary from one culture to the next, their typically thought to have the ability to heal the sick, to communicate with the other world and often escort the souls of the dead to the other world.

Typically, myself, as a shaman, I see in the dark and communicate between worlds, Upper, where all spirits transition to while crossing the veil, and here where the current living are. As a shaman, we are also known for healing humans and animals.

If this not for you but for a loved one, I must have their consent or this will cause me karmic damage, as i would be changing some one elses free will. This can be done in person or through email with question and a selfie for either Mediumship, Psychic question, and or distant trans healing where I blend with spirit and or spirit delivers what you need. I’m not supposed to work with depression or cancer per my mentors who have certified me. Some healing is not permanent and will take multiple sessions. I will offer a free first time
consultation 20 minutes to discuss our treatment sessions and cost.

Some treatments are instant and permanent, and others aren’t. Generally the price is $300, although some cases vary. The reason these prices are so low is my heart finds it hard to charge anymore for this gift that spirit wants me to do.
I am not a licensed doctor. I can’t guarantee results, but I am certified healer trained under the best and I have had abilities since i was 4 years old. I have experienced amazing results