Meet Kimberly
Hello, I’m Kimberly Wagenmakers.
From a very young age, I knew that I was different and weird from most. I knew I always could hear spirits, talked to them, saw things, and healed animals and humans but I hid my abilities. I remained silent as I didn’t particularly appreciate being attacked or called wrong. I tried to hide my gifts and suppress them from others as I didn’t like being told it was evil, wrong, or that I was crazy. I battled this with my family and friends throughout my whole life, trying to keep their love and avoid their judgments. I was raped in my own home by my stepfather for many years and left homeless when I was 12 years old. I saw and witnessed the worst sides of life. Amazingly, my spirit guides protected me, kept me safe, and kept my heart pure and loving.
My spiritual journey started when I lost my son, the love of my life! I cracked wide open! I had always been able to communicate with spirits who were transitioning or after their passing. It gave me great comfort knowing they are never gone, only an arm’s length away at all times with their love to lean on and talk to. Spirit loved ones will even give you signs when you’re ready. Spirit is very patient. However, my boy didn’t visit or communicate, so I could not grieve and search for answers. I will explain later, but I wanted to feel him, see him and hear him, and it was breaking me.
I knew he came back into my new kitty which “he chose.” So my boy gave me my peace and unconditional love and stopped my triggers. He was my life and family! I searched for help, and spirit put me into the perfect hands. I have been working and studying under several mediums and healers, including Lisa Williams, since 2020 under her mediumship mentorship certification program. I will be certified by Summer 2021. I always enjoy learning and gaining more knowledge about mediumship, angels and aura colors.
Walk with me…